
Exhibition ‘AWAI NO TATAZUMAI’(あわいのたたずまい)2020




SAKISAKI’s works are extremely primitive.
It’s not only the creative act of moving her hands but her all round being.
You may not find a fundamental common theme on her expressions but her thoughts “break away from stereotypes” as she longs to escape from being categorized.
She’s been focusing on this with all her sprit and creativity.
For this exhibition, she shows the works that oppose between two different ideas like light and dark, minimal and maximal, black and white, parents and children. The dynamics of relativity.
Those two different states are separated by a thin line and yet balance each other out. Two states that are fundamentally deferent but strongly affect each other and don’t work alone, like the symbol ‘Yin/yang’.
With your awareness, the truth in her art would come to life when you are face her work.




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